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Head and Neck Tumors

Frequent and life-threatening disease which early detection can lead to excellent results in terms of survival and morbidity. For more information or if you want to tell your specific case, do not hesitate to contact us.

Oral Cancer

Head and neck cancer is the 6th most common tumor in the world. It can affect any part such as lips, tongue or tonsils. Early diagnosis improves the prognosis. The treatment at present is multidisciplinary and combines surgery with radiotherapy and in some cases chemotherapy.

Facial Skin Tumors

They are the most frequent tumors of the organism. When located in highly visible areas, they can be diagnosed early, with a good prognosis in general. The main risk factor is ultraviolet radiation. They can affect any part of the face: eyelids, nose or lip.


Reconstruction of oncological defects

After an oncological resection, the reconstruction of the defect created (with functional, aesthetic or psychological consequences) is mandatory. At present, there are diverse techniques that help to achieve the best results, returning to the patient the best posible quality of life.

Premalignant lessions

Its early identification allows us to anticipate the development of a true tumor. Any lesion that does not heal after 15 days must be biopsied, as a general rule.

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